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HomeTechnologyEverything You Need to Know About 6G Technology in India

Everything You Need to Know About 6G Technology in India

6G is the sixth generation wireless Internet technology to succeed the current 5G cellular network.

6G Technology


  • 6G is expected to be 1000 times faster and have a lower latency of up to 1 microsecond.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled the Bharat 6G mission
  • India aims to commercialize 6G technology by 2030 through its ambitious Bharat 6G mission.

6G is the sixth generation wireless Internet technology to succeed the current 5G cellular network. 6G is expected to be 1000 times faster and have a lower latency of up to 1 microsecond than the current 5G because 6G uses higher frequencies that reach beyond the mmWaves through THz bands. 6G is currently just in the research and development stage and not functions technology.

Bharat 6G Mission

India launched 5G technology in late 2022, with initial speeds reaching up to 1 Gbps. The 5G network is currently expanding across the country. To further advance India’s technological capabilities, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled the Bharat 6G mission to deploy and commercialize 6G technology within the country by 2030 in India.

With this mission, India aims to become a global leader in 6G technology and to provide this technology to other countries in the World. The Bharat 6G mission is divided into two phases from 2023 to 2030.

  • Phase 1 (2023-2025): Focus on exploratory research, proof-of-concept development, and identifying potential use cases for 6G technology
  • Phase 2 (2025-2030): Scaling up research, developing prototypes, conducting field trials, and preparing for commercialization.

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When 6G will launch in India?

India aims to commercialize 6G technology by 2030 through its ambitious Bharat 6G mission. This is a national initiative of India to develop indigenous 6G capabilities and to become a global leader in the next generation of wireless communication.

6G mobile phone launch date in India?

The development of 6G technology in India is still in its early stages. However, the government plans to make 6G serviceable by 2030 through the Bharat Mission. 6G Mobile could be launched before the 6G infrastructure is in place.

Similar to the 5G rollout, where 5G-enabled smartphones were available before the nationwide 5G network was fully established, it’s possible that 6G-capable phones could be introduced to the market even before the complete 6G infrastructure is in place.

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However, we cannot predict when 6G will be launched as it is still in its early development stages. The Bharat 6G mission, initiated by the Government of India, aims to potentially bring 6G to India as early as 2030. For now, India is focusing on expanding its 5G network, which was recently launched. Let’s fully utilize 5G technology before looking ahead.

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